Getting Started With BoldGrid

BoldGrid is a suite of premium plugins which enhances the usability and features of WordPress. BoldGrid, along with a Premium Connect Key, is included with our WordPress Hosting Plans.

In order to use BoldGrid, both WordPress and BoldGrid must be installed into your website hosting.

Installation is done via your Hosting Control Panel.

See also: Accessing your Hosting Account Control Panel


There are two possible ways to install BoldGrid:

  1. Add BoldGrid to an existing WordPress website: For users of our WordPress Hosting Plans, WordPress is already installed. Follow these steps to add BoldGrid to your website.
  2. Start fresh: Install a new instance of WordPress and BoldGrid in one step

For Existing Websites: Adding BoldGrid to an Existing WordPress Website

The installation of BoldGrid into an existing WordPress website is done via a few simple steps in the Hosting Control Panel

Under Website & Domains, and the domain in particular you wish to install BoldGrid, click the Manage BoldGrid link in the right hand margin.

One the next page, select the existing installation of WordPress in which you would like to install BoldGrid. Only WordPress sites without BoldGrid will be listed.

Upon logging in, you will first be shown the Dashboard of your WordPress website. The dashboard features two videos which give walk through tutorials of how to create your site and use the various features of BoldGrid.

For New Websites: Installing WordPress and BoldGrid

The installation of WordPress and BoldGrid can be done together via a few simple steps in the Hosting Control Panel

Only choose this option if you do not already have WordPress installed.

Under Website & Domains, and the domain in particular you wish to install BoldGrid, click the Install BoldGrid link

The setup page will require the following information:

NOTE: It is very important that your choose a secure password. Passwords that can be guessed by humans or machines can lead to your website being accessed, updated and exploited by people other than you.

Upon logging in, you will first be shown the Dashboard of your WordPress website. The dashboard features two videos which give walk through tutorials of how to create your site and use the various features of BoldGrid.

See also: BoldGrid Support Docs