BoldGrid Support Docs

BoldGrid provides numerous help and usage guides directly from their website, located here:

We have curated a list of the most useful guides below.

  1. What is BoldGrid
  2. Installing WordPress and BoldGrid
  3. Inspirations Plugin Documentation
  4. Post & Page Builder Plugin Documentation
  5. Easy SEO Plugin Documentation
  6. Total Upkeep Plugin Documentation
  7. Staging Plugin Documentation
  8. Image Gallery Plugin Documentation
  9. WooCommerce Support
  10. WPForms Support
  11. BoldGrid Connect Coins
  12. Your BoldGrid Account

What is BoldGrid

BoldGrid is a suite of premium plugins which enhances the usability and features of WordPress. In order to use BoldGrid, both WordPress and BoldGrid must first be installed into your website hosting. A premium license for BoldGrid is included as part of our WordPress Hosting plans.

The Difference between BoldGrid & WordPress

Installing WordPress and BoldGrid

As a first step to using BoldGrid, it must be installed onto your WordPress website. See also: Getting Started With BoldGrid

Inspirations Plugin Documentation

Installing a BoldGrid Inspiration in WordPress

Choosing an Inspirations Category

Installing your first BoldGrid Inspiration

How to Find More BoldGrid Themes

Post & Page Builder Plugin Documentation

  1. How to use the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder
  2. How to Edit the Home Page
  3. How to Add a PDF to a Page

Easy SEO Plugin Documentation

  1. Introduction to SEO: What is a Keyword?
  2. Introduction to SEO: Content and Structure
  3. Introduction to SEO: What is a Meta Tag?
  4. SEO Keyword Phrases
  5. SEO Title and Meta Description
  6. BoldGrid SEO - Search Visibility

Total Upkeep Plugin Documentation

  1. Introduction to the BoldGrid Total Upkeep Plugin
  2. How to install the BoldGrid Total Upkeep Plugin
  3. Installing the BoldGrid Total Upkeep Premium Extension
  4. BoldGrid Total Upkeep Plugin FAQ
  5. Setting a Backup Directory with BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  6. Running your first Backup with BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  7. Configure Automated WordPress Updates with BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  8. Excluding Files or Database Tables with BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  9. Restore single files in BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  10. How to use the Additional tools in BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  11. Scheduling Backups with BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  12. How to restore a Backup in WordPress
  13. How to Migrate Your WordPress Website using BoldGrid Total Upkeep
  14. Configuring Remote Storage Locations with BoldGrid Total Upkeep

Staging Plugin Documentation

  1. How to Set up Staging in BoldGrid
  2. Working with Staging and Active Pages
  3. Understanding Active vs. Staging in BoldGrid

Image Gallery Plugin Documentation

  1. How to Create Image Galleries in BoldGrid
  2. Working with Image Galleries
  3. Adding and Replacing Images in WordPress
  4. How to Use the BoldGrid Connect Search
  5. How to use BoldGrid Connect Coins
  6. How To Embed a Video

WooCommerce Support

  1. Quick Start e-Commerce with WooCommerce

  1. How to Install WooCommerce
  2. Things to Think About Before Starting With WooCommerce
  3. How to Create A Coupon in WooCommerce

WPForms Support

  1. Getting Started with WPForms
  2. How to Upgrade to WPForms Pro Support Center
  3. How to Embed WPForms on Pages and Posts
  4. Import and Export Your WPForms Forms - BoldGrid
  5. Getting to Know Your WPForms Settings
  6. WPForms Email Notifications and Additional Settings
  7. How to Create a Custom Form with WPForms

BoldGrid Connect Coins

How to use BoldGrid Connect Coins

Your BoldGrid Account

Upon the installation of BoldGrid, you will be setup with an account directly at BoldGrid Central ( The use of this account is not required, but is optional should customers wish. This account is used for the following:

To access your BoldGrid Central account:

  1. Visit
  2. Click Forgot Password
  3. In the forgot password form, use your account email address to request a password reset
  4. Wait a few moments for the password reset email to arrive in your inbox, and follow the instructions therein to reset your BoldGrid Central password.
  5. Once reset, you can log into your account at