

This process allows customers replace previously issued SSL Certificates. The following are examples of when reissuance would be relevant:

You cannot utilize reissuance in the following cases:

In the above cases, a brand new Certificate purchase is required. This is necessary because the existing Validation information for the original certificate is no longer valid, and the Validation process must be undertaken once again.

Reissuance Process

To reissue your SSL certificate:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to My Account> Manage > SSL Certificates
  3. View the Issued certificates within your account , and click on the certificate name you wish to reissue
  4. Click the Reissue button
  •  Within the subsequent Reissue section, select the following as necessary:
  • Notice of Deprecation: Email Address for DCV SSL Certificate Verification

    Please note this important change in the domain control validation (DCV) process for SSL/TLS certificates. Effective January 15, 2025, the use of email addresses obtained via WHOIS for DCV will be deprecated. This change is in compliance with the CA/Browser Forum's Ballot SC-80v3, which mandates the discontinuation of WHOIS-based email DCV methods.

    Deprecation Date: Starting January 15, 2025, email addresses from WHOIS lookups will no longer be accepted for DCV.

    Alternative Methods: Constructed/generic email addresses (e.g. admin@ hostmaster@ etc) will continue to be available for use, however we recommend transitioning to alternative DCV methods such as DNS TXT records.

    Existing Validations: Existing domain validations using WHOIS email addresses will remain valid until July 15, 2025, but must be re-validated using non-WHOIS methods before this date.

    Impact: Failure to re-validate domains using accepted methods will result in the inability to issue or renew SSL/TLS certificates.

    1. Click Submit to send the reissuance order to the certificate authority.
    2. Reissued certificates are then subject to the following steps, similar to that of a newly configured certificate: