What is the .pro generic Top Level Domain extension?
If you're a professional or an expert in your industry, a .pro domain name lets you show your expertise online. It's now available for anyone to register and a .pro domain name is a great way to establish a website or promote your professional services online.
With a .pro domain name, there's so much you can do like:
- Create a distinguished email address - Use your name to create a .pro domain name and email address. Instead of using a generic email, use John@Smith.Pro to connect with colleagues and clients.
- Maximize your social media presence - In today's world, social media isn't optional. Unfortunately, long URLs can make it hard to share your LinkedIn profile. With a .pro domain name, register your name under a .pro domain name to supplement your social media presence.
Why is using a .pro domain better than using common domains like .com and .net?
You may find that your preferred domain name is not available using legacy domains, but you can find a perfect web address using a new descriptive domain name! New website addresses can leverage both sides of the dot and there is greater availability to choose from. A descriptive domain name allows you to better identify your business category and use your web address as a branding opportunity. A new web address can help shorten your URL, stand-out in a crowd, and make a strong impression that’s memorable to your clients.
Can I use more than one web address for my company website?
Yes! You can use multiple URLs which direct to your company website. If you already have a .CA or .COM web address, you can purchase additional domains that describe your business and direct to your website.